Infinite Evolution
Mindset, Magic & Multidimensional Mastery for your beingness & business for lightworkers, healers, coaches, creatives and other spiritual entrepreneurs!
Download keys & codes for your next level of ascension & embodiment!
Expect incredible conversations with luminaries as well as channeled messages and activations from Kacie Aileen Knight, Founder of Luminous Evolution.
Podcasting since 2024 • 28 episodes
Infinite Evolution
Latest Episodes
The Abundance Frequency: Accessing the Quantum Field
When you access the frequency bandwidth of abundance, you are actually tapping into the quantum field where all possibilities exist. The human body is a frequency transciever, sending and recieving signals, but often, trauma inhibit...
Season 1
Episode 27

#26 Tactical Business + Life Magic with Molly Mandelberg
This conversation with Molly Mandelberg, Business Wayfinder was all about the infinite evolutionary journey of business & life. Molly has a passion to support other spiritual entrepreneurs in sharing their magic with systems and...

#25 Finally Landing. The Aftermath of the Rebirth
This episode is our first back after an unscheduled midseason break with the full story of my 42nd Birthday upgrades, rebirth portal, redirection to new grid location, new kittens and more. I'm sharing my story because I know I'm no...
Season 1
Episode 25

#24 Being Shiny AF when people already think you're too much
People are always gonna be judging you. Might as well shine anyway. In a world of people telling you that you're not enough and too much in the same breath, you might as well say FUCK IT and just show up as the radiant light that you are. ...
Season 1
Episode 24

#23- Light Language & A Pep Talk To Remind You of Who You ARE!
This soul voice transmission came through passionately, after a kundalini practice. It starts with soul codes with my light language voice and ends with the pep talk you need to remember that you are a freaking shining beacon of light w...
Season 1
Episode 23